RepoMan – So what’s so special…?
What makes RepoMan different from the others?
Over recent years, IT applications have undergone significant changes. Many of these changes are primarily as a direct result of the internet and the incredible advantages offered by cloud applications and storage.
Some applications may not benefit from internet access for the sharing of data. The area of company accounting records comes to mind. Applications like RepoMan however are different. They are a breed of application that can, if done properly and securely, actually make great use of the data sharing ability of the Internet.
RepoMan was designed from the ground up to allow for multi-party access and for secure remote data sharing via the internet. One of the primary differences between RepoMan and anything even remotely similar on the market is that we are an entirely Web hosted application – rather than software loaded onto a local PC or local server.
Benefits all around….
Being a Web hosted application, the benefits of RepoMan to the end user are enormous:
- We can easily provide secure and unlimited remote access from anywhere, not just for the application owner, but also for the other parties involved – the Client and the Sub-Agent. All available with NO further investment by ANY of the parties. All they need is a standard free Web Browser and a normal internet connection.
- With the mobility provided by RepoMan’s internet access, you and your employees/agents are no longer limited to working from the one office space. Home office, from the vehicle, whilst sitting having a coffee in the cafe, keep track of what’s going on with your business.
- NO fixed capital expense or systems to install at the customer premises. NO Computer Servers to maintain and manage. NO complex network setup. NO additional operating software required. You need just two things; a computer with an Internet connection (we recommend minimum of broadband or cable) and a Web Browser.
- RepoMan is fully customisable. As a consequence of the Client using this system for access and updates, you can ensure their view is presented with the appropriate corporate logos, branding, advertising, styling, etc, that you wish. How much and what you wish to display to your clients is something we discuss at setup time. Essentially – free advertising and promotion to your Client.
- Security of your and your client’s data is paramount. RepoMan offer secure 256 bit encrypted username and password access with ability to limit User access to the information of your choice. With optional SSL Protocol access, you can provide the same security levels as offered by the major banks.
- Open Source Software (essentially free) is widespread on the Internet – and we utilise some of the utilities and building blocks to enable us to provide facilities and functions that would otherwise not be cost effective. With RepoMan, you can get far more for no greater cost.
- Web technology is rapidly developing. We can hang onto the coat tails of the major big developers (like Google, Yahoo, IBM, etc), who are involved in the open source area and when appropriate, take advantage of their base technology. As they improve and publish their offerings, we can pick the eyes out of it, and improve ours.
- As a hosted Web application, RepoMan provides flexibility when it comes to your hosting requirements. RepoMan will easily blend into an existing website or we can assist with a custom Login page or even an entire new website, all depending on your specific needs. We can provide single user access to practically infinite and all easily modified as circumstances or business volumes change. All with no technical impact on the customer or business disruption.